Saturday, June 28, 2008

Asian Dragon Tattoos - Do You Want One?

Asian dragon tattoos are not new in the world of body art. Even if some die hard tattoo fans brand Japanese tattoos or other Asian tattoos as tired and overly used designs, the meaning of this specific design is so rich, that people still want to have a dragon inked on their skin.

This and the fact that any ink looks so cool and kick-ass whenever sported and done well are the main reasons why people never get tired of getting dragon Japanese tattoos.

Asian dragon tattoos are usually Chinese or Japanese inspired. Chinese have 9 different types of dragon tattoos – dragon king, the horned, the yellow, the heavenly, the coiled, the spirit, the hidden treasures and winged dragon. These all have their own special meanings so the meaning of your Asian design tattoos will depend on which type you will have inked to your arm or your back. If you have the dragon king, which comprises of four dragons, then that symbolizes immense power and authority.

And so on, know take a look 6 of the most popular below.

For Japanese dragon tattoos, there are 6 types as seen below.

• Hai Riyo, the bird dragon.

• Sui Riu which is the Japanese version of the dragon king who also has power over the rain (just like the Chinese version)

• Ka Riu, the small red dragon (reminds you of Mushu in Mulan).

• Han Riu, at forty feet, probably the biggest among the six.

• Fuku Riu, dragon of luck

• Ri Riu, the rare dragon with a good eyesight.

Matthew J Stine is an avid Asian dragon tattoos enthusiast who also spends time investigating and uncovering incredible resources for his loyal readers.

Article Source:

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I love the fucked-up style of Kamil Mocet, it certainly works well in this piece.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

La Vie En Rose

A nice departure from the gory stuff he's famous for - Tim Kern

Lovely, Boyo!

More Old Skool effort from Matt Kolling, but Ay Caramba! (or whatever they say in Wales)

What a Temptress!

I love the subtle effects in this Matt Kolling piece

Weighed Down

Another lascivious Tim orth nude

Sunday, June 22, 2008


The photos are alleged to come from Langkawi, one of the Andaman Islands, which are part of the nation of Malaysia. The website from which these photos come does not attribute any photo credits or describe the contents. If you have more info, I'm all ears.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Russian Tattoo Art

This website has lots of interesting designs, including several faces with tattoos--or tattoo-like artwork. Actually, I can't tell you a lot more because the website is written in Russian. The designs on the site are very tasty and worth your time to look.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bound To Please

Love this Tim Orth tattoo, although I bet this guy gets some funny looks on the beach.

Back To Nudity

Dita Von Teese-esque stuff from Jamie Ruth

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ashley's Ink

The New York Daily News has a story with pictures about Ashley Dupree, the call girl who brought down New York's Governor Spitzer.

Ashley went to a beach this past hot weekend and wore a skimpy bathing suit. On her abdomen is a tattoo which reads "tutela valui." I would love to put a picture of her tattoo on this post, but the picture and its rights are well protected by the newspaper website. If you want to see the picture, click on the original story.

Numerous Latin and classical scholars have attempted to interpret the Latin words into English. All agree the words are not easy Latin. Many of the interpretations are hilarious. For example, some believe the Latin words mean "Price List Below." In any case, tattoos are still a hot news item.

Sk8ter Girl

In a change from recent posts, here's a gorgeous pin-up with her clothes ON, this time by Matt Kolling.

Skinny Dipping

In the spirit of that Vicky Pollard bird who jumped into the pool in Big Brother last night, here's some other bird with big norks, courtesy of John Fitzgerald.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flying Hearts in Love

Love is the romantic bond between a boy and girls, Its a splanded feeling can't be expressed in words. The flying hearts in love are crazy and have passion to get the extreem height in love. So save these flying heart wallpapers of valentine's day on you desktop window.

Old Fashion Valentine Cards

Loose you heart on me, and let me wish you a very happy valentine's day through these old fashioned valentine cards. Send some love message to you sweet heart with these beautiful cards.

A Love Kiss Wallpapers

A Love Kiss Lock Wallpapers for you and your girl frd, try this wallpaper and feel the suger of long smooch on lips of you lover at this valentine day dance party.

Valentine Game Wallpapers

My sweet heart i love you plz don't go away, Never play a game with my heart.. come darling!!! This is request for my girls ... I look around for the celebrity performances for this upcoming Valentine's day event.

Girls Valentine Wallpapers

Decorate your computer desktop with the lovely shotout valentines day pictures and cards. The couples plays games togeather and everyone goes around every body and gives some clues about the "valentine word" in the game and ... All the girls sit on the laps of his boy partners in a romantic pose.

St Valentine Wallpapers

Check out the best collection of St Valentine Wallpapers.