Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sweet Puddin'

This is a crossover post from another blog, Batman Tattoos, where this Gabe Tucker tattoo is also posted. I think Harley qualifies for pinup status too, no?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bunch of red roses

Just deliver the Bunch of red roses to you beloved with a romantic greeting cards of roses. The red roses are the symbol of pure love, Its an spritual feeling to love and beloved with some one. So send a Bunch of red roses card through an email on this valentines day.

Couples Heart

Please feel free to find the Couple in love with each other, This picture of couple Heart show the real feeling of deep love of a boy and girl for one another. So make them remarkable by sending it to you beloved. Couples Heart card and red hearts on tree are and easy to send.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Tattoo for The Art Lover In Us All

A Tattoo for The Art Lover In Us AllIf you have a love of history or art you can't miss having some Sanskrit tatto designs done. The Sanskrit language has a rich history that cannot be ignored easily and if you have a love of ancient cultures and art then wouldnt it be nice to have your dedication to these cultures permanently inked onto your skin?A Sanskrit tattoo is one of the ways to show

Tamara Never Dies

I love this Tamara De Lempicka tattoo, done by old skool icon Chad Koeplinger

Tamara Never Dies pt 2

Another tattoo that has that Lempicka inspired art deco style...done by aaron 15.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yellow Fever

Reader Submission! Tina Hope sent this classic pinup in yellow, done by Gary in Illustrated Man, Sydney, Australia.

Tank Girl! (sorta)

Not so punk as the original, mind. Done by Chris Blinston.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You are so sweet

The valentine time of love is the real time to express you feeling of love in front of your beloved. So say You are so sweet with an You are so sweet card this valentine.

Like a Virgin!

Sorry for all the music references. Very 80s, and very gay. Perhaps my unconscious is trying to tell me something. Anyway, this Mary was done by Kristel.

I'm in the Army now, woo-oo!

Another Tony Ciavarro pinup, an army tattooist girl. Which is kind of ironic, given that the army are trying to purge tattooed soldiers from their ranks.

Life's a Beach!

It is for Chris Blinston, anyway.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Born for Love Cards

Find out the unique and unusual greeting cards for this valentine, This type of cards are named as Born for Love Cards by the blind lovers. So check it out. Try to add some lovely quotes with these egreeting cards on the valentine's day special.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A link to the past : sanskrit tattoo designs

Today, tattoo designs are no longer for "bad guys" and have progressed far beyond those sported by your grandad once he'd left the navy. Even the most reserved people are sporting intricate and beautiful body art nowadays and a favourite style becoming more popular by the day are Sanskrit tattoo designs.From the deeply religious, art lovers, history buffs or just your average person thinking of

Underrrrr the seaaaaaaaaa!

This blog needs more Valerie Vargas, her stuff is incredible. I love this old skool mermaid.

We got Needled!

Warning - one pic nsfw, perhaps nsf anything.

Ha! We got featured on Needled's blog here, thanks Marissa! As a result, now I have tattoo artists sending me their pinups! Larry Brogan of Tattoo City SkinArt sent me a shitload, so I've posted the best above, along with a wicked painting he did. I recommend you visit his site though, for the whole enchillada.

Never The Bride

Two lovely renderings of the Corpse Bride, by Zhivko and Mark Dupp respectively.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Celeb Worship

Some celeb pinups, from Aaron 15 (or at least i think thats how his name goes). As if you can't tell, its Dita Von Teese, Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johanssen.

Gypsy King!

A reader submission! This sweet gypsy head was done by Mo Coppoletta of The Family Business, London, on Laurence Pisani.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This Joe Capobianco lady reminds of my favourite Lord Flasheart quote from Blackadder... 'Always treat your plane like you treat your woman...get in her five times a day and take her to Heaven and back!'

Two's Up!

A couple of vintage style pinups from Chris Burnett

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Skull!

..and here's the second of the day - Ridiculously good work from Nikko Hurtado

Sad Skull

First Day of the Dead pic today, done by Nate Beavers

Friday, September 5, 2008

Snake Eyes!

Another awesome hand tattoo from Joe Capobianco

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lovely Wifey

More Mike De Masi fabulousness!

Pretty In Pink

I love the neon pink colour of this high contrast Gil Evgren pinup, by Mike De Masi

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Awesome Valentine Cards

Express yourself before your sweet heart by sending some lovely Awesome Valentines Day cards through email. These ecards are in various themes like Valentines day hugs, Valentines day kisses, gift cards, flower greeting card and lots of other.Awesome Valentine Cards are free to send and easy way to mail to your friends and beloved.

Valentine fun cards

Awesome animated valentine's day postcards and valentine fun cards with musical sound effects with these unique greeting cards to say you feeling of heart. Links to all Awesome Cards with us. The funny valentine cards are really a great mean to make you sweet heart laugh on this lovers day.

Nice Beaver(s)

Great work from Nate Beavers, and our second Carmen Electra portrait.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dead nice!

I love this day of the dead lady by Chris Vennekamp, which (i think) is based on the artwork of Sylvia Ji.

Imagine The Possibilities!

Old-Skool classic, again from Valerie Vargas