Saturday, November 29, 2008

Honeymoon Cards

Honeymoon is the most waited period for newly wed couples who wait for long holidays for their honeymoon time. Enjoy and celebrate your wedding on your romantic honeymoon in a much unique way. Exchange these free honeymoon cards among each other as a token of heart felt love and affection. You can even make the holidays more romantic and loving by presenting valentine chocolates as a gift to your

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Three completely different styles, all from the same needle, courtesy of Phil Young.

New Blog Header!

...and its all thanks to this awesome Tim Harris rendition of a classic Gil Elvgren piece.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Platinum Blonde

A classic take on Elvgren by Mike De Vries.

Good Pin-up Bad Pin-up

I was hoping not to include bad tattoo art in this blog, but this, from Horrible Tattoos was too good to pass up. I particularly like his caption...

"Are you sure that my tattoo will look exactly like this one ?"
"Sure, sure relax..."

Friday, November 14, 2008

Care for a blow dry?

Wow, Mark Dupp! My hairdresser is a 60 year old geezer with whooping cough. Sigh.

Back To School

Back to the old school, with Marco Cerretelli.

Batter Up!

This tattoo by Robert Hixon is about the only thing that could get me even slightly interested in baseball.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

We're In The Army Now, YEAH!

Something a bit more conventional, also from Steve Monie

Mmm, niffy!

This is a great tattoo, but I suppose If I had to have one of Jem, I'd have a random set of buttocks farting in her face too. Good work Steve Monie!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Vamp Stamp

This black and grey vampire tattoo is just awesome! Whoah, Russ Abbott.


A classic Sailor Jerry pinup, artist unknown.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


And just to get something slightly classier at the top of the blog, this gorgeous senorita was done by Ben Grillo.

Nipped In The Bud!

I took this from Roman's myspace, hence the lack of uncovered nipple. Great work though!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sanskrit Tattoo Themes

The Sanskrit Om is said to represent the whole universe. It is popular amongst Buddhist and Hindu meditation chants as it also embodies air, which is the source of life.The lotus flower, also a popular choice of tattoo design symbolises purity of the mind, heart and soul. It is said to provide good luck and prosperity so is something we could all use in these troubled times.Different Sanskrit

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Valentine Chocolates

Chocolates are the most lovely gift for your Valentine and when it is designed in heart shape it look fantastic and romantic too. Send Valentine chocolate gift for your valentine along with beautiful valentine card and flowers. Say the magical words " i love you to your sweetheart" to express your heart felt feelings.

I Love You Sweetheart

My love for you will never vanish. It keeps on growing. Oh my Sweetheart, you are the reason for me to live. You have filled my life with colors, love and affection. Never change yourself for me. I feel contented in your arms and I Love You for every reason. Please always be my side to support me, help me and love me. Express your heart feelings to your sweety with these I Love You Sweetheart

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs

Sanskrit tattoo designs are fast becoming popular in modern culture. Many celebrities have been spotted sporting Sanskrit Tattoo Designs and it is becoming even more common. Because of this, tattoo designs based on scripts such as Sanskrit are becoming major favourites in the portfolios of tattoo shops.If you ever visited a Tattoo Shop and looked to see what tattoo designs are available, you will