Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Japan Style

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The tattoo studio that did the work in the picture above does many very traditional Japanese tattoos also. Trust me. If you don't, click here to verify.

OK, you didn't trust me, so here's an example.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You Are My Angel

Angels are healing fairies with wings and a head band who are always with us to protect us from any harm. Angels always gives us thr sight to judge as what is wrong and what is right? Life partner is life an angel only who guides us, protect us, always be our side and cares for us. If your lover is like an angel for you then don't miss to appreciate your dear with these You Are My Angel Cards

Can't Live Without You

"Can't live without You", is a famous quote among couples who are in love with each other and express their deep love with these words which means the feelings of their love could only be satisfied till they are together. If one is not there the other is not going to survive. These lovely words gives feeling of vast love between the couple. So enjoy our latest brunch of cards and greetings based

Love At First Sight

There is a popular saying 'love at first sight' which many people believes to be true and many people believe it is just a thought. Couples who meet at first sometimes fall in love with each other and decide to tie together for lifetime. This segment of our Love At First Sight have been designed for all couples who fall in love at first. So, enjoy this free collection of cards and greetings.

You Are My Darling

Valentine's Day is a day of lovers and couples who are in love with each other and express feeling of love, affection, desire and sex. Couples usually call each other as 'Darling' to express their love and need to be together forever. Surprise your dear by making romantic expressions of kissing, gifting flowers, playing guitar or setting some music to turn your partner on. Present these You Are

The Touch Of Your Lips

Lips are one of the most sexy part of the body which resembles love need, desire and express love for each other by kissing. Kissing creates sensation in body, whenever someone kisses on the lips, cheeks, neck, stomach, boobs and other sensual areas, it creates feeling to have sex and getting wild over each other. The touch of your lips makes me crazy and I went into the dreams where you and me

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Your Mother's Tattoo

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Yes, I remember seeing that tattoo in . Don't you too?


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The Ainu people are an indigenous people who have lived in Japan for at least 10,000 years, according to some scholars. They now live predominantly in Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan. They practiced tattooing for centuries. But only women wore or applied tattoos. And the tattoos appear like mustaches.

Americans might take special interest in the Ainu people since modern scientific techniques connect genetic material of Native American Indians with the Ainu. This suggests that some Ainu people crossed from Asia to Alaska via the Bering Strait, then continued to move south and eventually became part of the genetic stock of the American Indians.

Friday, March 20, 2009

No Room To Spare

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This is the handiwork of a Japanese tattoo artist (I am not sure whether the artist technically qualifies for the honored title horishi) at Evilways Tattoo Studio in Japan. Please go to their website. It helps a lot if you can read Japanese, although a few words are in English.

Japanese Tattoo Ladies

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Fans of irezumi (one of many Japanese words for tattoos) might want to wander over to this website and order a copy of a volume of Japanese Tattoo Ladies, a publication which covers the topic of its title. You can order back copies of this publication, as well as other works on Japanese tattoos. It would help you a lot if you can read Japanese. Otherwise you're restricted to looking at the tiny pictures and dreaming.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

God Bless Ya, Ma'am!

I certainly salute the awesomeness of this Valerie Vargas pinup.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Magic of Colour!

Returning to colour tattoos, the uninspiringly named James Tattoo with a particularly inspired motorsport piece

Monday, March 16, 2009

Kat Power

Kat Von D might get a lot of criticism in the tattoo world, but some of her portraits are still phenomenal. These are two of my favourites of hers, Sharon Tate and Eliza Dushku respectively.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Dead Sexy

I love this Zombie Marilyn Monroe, done by Jason Butcher. Marilyn is probably one of the most popular icons for pinup tattoos, even entering the world of celebrity, on Megan Fox(y), below. Although for some reason she didn't go for the zombie option.

Holy Smoke

Nice and Simple from Jason Vaughan

Thursday, March 12, 2009

By Popular Demand

Here's a clean copy of the top page picture for those who like to copy. Make sure to give proper credit.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pig Out!

I thought Cornfed's best work was in Duckman, but since that got cancelled he's obviously sidelining in a bit of inkslinging.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We've gone international!

This zombie lady was sent to me by tattooist Julia Seizure from Star Crossed Tattoo in Hong Kong, done at the Singapore convention. Thanks!

Bluebird Tuesday

Johanna Bluebird puts her unique spin on a couple of Gil Elvgren pinups.

Ginger, spicy!

I love all the details in this Stefanos tattoo!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tramp Stamp

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'Tramp stamp' is a new name in my vocabulary. Cute.

As we can all tell from the dragon motif and the size of her hips and derriere, the woman on the right is Asian.

Burning Passionate Desire

Love is always demanding. It commands respect, care, fullfillment, satisfaction and other things to feel that love. Lovers have passion for each other which they express by their love making, romance and other physical gestures. The need for love rise whenever you and your partner are alone and having romantic time together. They let their burning passionate desire comes out by going around each

Braaaaaaaains! (And looks, too!)

Combing two of my favourite pinup elements, ore new school loveliness in this Day of The Dead zombie girl from Douglas Billian.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


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Maybe if they get closer the tattoos may migrate from the non-Asian-looking one to the Asian-looking one.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Got Time?

Don't Stop Now

There are lots and lots of great pictures on this blog. Take your time and take a look at all the pictures on posts going back many months. Maybe you'll find someone from . That would be fun, wouldn't it?

A Black And Grey pinup-fest!

I got a great email from Ruben, who has a nice collection of pinup tattoos done by some top-class artists.

This beautiful Pearl Frush lady was done by Steve Soto from Good Fellas Tattoo Shop, Orange, CA.

The Gil Elvgren Piece above was done by Tom Clarke at Ace's High in Fullerton, CA.

Also by Tom Clarke, the Marilyn Monroe portrait above.

And this is how they tie together! Some wicked ink there, thanks!

May your hell be a green one!

This Joe Capobianco Poison Ivy can also be found on our sister site, Batman Tattoos!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wetz and Wild!

This cute little girl was done by Robert Wetzel.

Buick Regal!

A tattooist submission! Sunny Buick sent some nice old school ladies...

Eyes In The Back Of My ...Neck?

Such a great idea for placement, this black and grey Ryan Hadley piece is certain an eye-catcher, pardon the pun.

Monday, March 2, 2009