Saturday, May 30, 2009

Playing Cards

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Leeched from this website. They title it Hanafuda Hebi. Hanafuda is a card game (see the flower picture cards) most often associated with yakuza (criminal element in Japan). Fuda means snake. How would you like to win her in a card game?

More Ganesh

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Full Body

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Friday, May 29, 2009

I Should Be In The Kitchen

Another tattooist who has been featured heavily here is Hannah Aitchison. This is one of my favourite Hannah tattoos, which was done on LA Ink. I love the text too!

Red Hot

This simple but very pretty pinup was done by Cara Massacre, whose increasingly impressive work we have seen before.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Celebrity Tattoo

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The website where I found this gem identifies the lady as Tila Tequila. I a familiar with Tequila--very familiar, in fact. But I'm not familiar with Tila. Is that my loss?


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The character in the tattoo is Ganesh, one of the most important figures in Hindu.

The idea is that Ganesh has the body of a human and the head of an elephant. That's because, when Ganesh was a child, his father impetuously cut off his child's head but couldn't find it fast enough to re-attach it to his child's body. Since there was an elephant nearby, the father substituted the elephant's head for the child's human head.

Usually Ganesh's feet are clearly shown in pictures and statues. Ganesh's foot is usually shown firm;y placed on a mouse. The mouse represent the racing of human thought. Ganesh puts a stop to the frantic running of the human mind by placing a foot on it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Full Body Tattoos

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Some excellent examples of full body tattoos can be found at this website. The artist, a European, not a Japanese, has traveled the world in search of instruction for his art. He began as a graffiti painter. He now dedicates himself to decorating the human body. Examples of his work, shown on his website, are breathtaking.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


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Is this babe about to squat? I dunno. I guess you hafta go to this website and look at the videos to find out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Teen Or No Teen

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The description of this girl on the page from which this photo was leeched says she is a teen. Yes, I can believe that. The tattoos are fresh and colorful, which they might not be in a few years. My guess is that a lot of people will get a chance to see the full collection. The line forms out the door.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Vegetarian Or Meatarian

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The doofus who posted this picture at this website thought the picture was not enough to hold your attention, so he added a recipe:

7-8 ounces green leafies
5 medjool dates (uber yummy goodness)
1 banana (for flavour???)
1/2 avocado (mmm… guacamole)
1 tablespoon vinegar (he recommends black fig, but I’d be tempted to use raspberry)

I'll betcha no one tries the recipe...because clicking on the picture (at the original website, not here) opens up a treasure trove. Which do you prefer, vegetarian or meat?

Female Tattoo Pictures - Millions of Ways For Women to Express Themselves

Women are increasingly using tattoos as a way to show off their inner beauty. It isn't rare or unusual at all now to see a woman with a tattoo. Women are joining (and even surpassing) men in decorating their bodies with tattoos, and they are making a style statement with tattoos. Women with tattoos are admired and applauded for their boldness. If you want to get ideas for your next tat, browse the Internet for feminine tattoo picture galleries.

Popular regions for tattoos on women include the lower back, the abdomen, ankles, arms, shoulders, and wrists. Some women have lately begun to get their own self-portraits in black-and-white inked next to their heart as a symbol for how they will always love and care for themselves. Such a tattoo suggests that they have a lot of self-confidence and inner strength. Popular designs for women's tattoos include mythical creatures like mermaids or phoenixes, animals like butterflies or dolphins, celestial bodies like suns or stars, and graphics like stars or hearts.

Tattoos can range from conventional to downright odd - anything is possible with a tattoo. You can get any design you choose. Whatever is meaningful and special to you makes a great tattoo. For unconventional (but still reasonable) tattoo designs, get some Asian inspiration. Tattoos of ancient world maps, Chinese symbols, and Japanese Kanji are very popular. Indian and Arabic script are also very popular right now. Tattoos that include floral and tribal designs are also very hot with women.

By Jennifer Langston Platinum Quality Author

Women, being a little bit more fashion forward than most men, usually consider getting a tattoo from all angles first. Tattoos are forever, so it's natural to be hesitant about getting one for the first time. It might be a good idea to have a trial period with a non permanent. That way you can gauge what it will be like to have a tattoo and whether you still like the design you chose. Designs for women have began to create a huge new generation of tattoos.

Having a tattoo is a fun and maintenance-free way to show your style, making them a great accessory for the busy but fashion conscious woman. Tattoos can make a woman look and feel young, and she'll never be ignored with a sleek tattoo. Jump into the tattoo trend and see how sexy and cool they can be.

The Beautiful and The Damned

Nice 20s style pinup from Jason Butcher, looks like it was ripped from an F Scott Fitgerald cover.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Football, Anyone?

OK, OK, I'm cheating again. The picture is not of an Asian and the body art is not tattooing.

The picture is taken from a website about a kind of titillating sports spectacle practiced in Europe. The players, all women, wear only scanty thongs. The rest of their uniforms--including their shorts--are painted on their bodies. Did that fool you?

I think they call the sport 'football.' But no one's watching their feet, trust me.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Valentine Cards For Friends

Valentine's Day is celebrated among lovers and couples who love each other very much. We always heard of the celebration among boyfriend-girlfriend, husband-wife and teens. But friends can also be part of the valentines day because friends also love each other and have feelings of affection and belongingness for each other. So, forward this Valentine Cards For Friends to wish him/her a happy

Valentine Card for Husband

Valentine's Day is all about love and affection for the life partner. Let him know your deep heart feelings for him and how you feel when you are together. Share the lovely moments of your relation on this valentine's day by wishing happy valentine's day to your dear husband. Your husband could be your valentine because he loves you thats why you are together. Present these valentine card for