Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ten Things Irresistable In Men

The following quote is from an article in the Times of India on ten things irresistible in men.
Body art
Metro sexual males have changed the gender notions, as piercing is no longer associated with women alone. Women are equally turned on by guys who carry funky body art. Ankita Basu, (33) a Bangalore-based advertising professional recalls, "I thought men look horrible with piercing on any body part, but when my boyfriend got his upper lip pierced, it looked really cool. Not only did it enhance his personality, but even provoked me to get going for a tender lip kiss every time I saw him."

Expressing her obsession for tattooed men, Shipra Arora, a college student says, "A completely tattooed body might not be a fad, but I find men with a huge tattoo on either side of their neck or just near the abdomen, really hot. Moreover, the fact that men flaunt it overtly without any fears of skin show, wearing low-waist jeans and deep neck tees makes it all the more appealing."
This is not exactly a scientific sample. Then again, I'm not sure I would believe any article that claimed it took a scientific sample on this narrow issue. Nevertheless this is a sign that body art is becoming more acceptable in more places. Does that make you happy?

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