Friday, July 10, 2009

La gymnastique intime des femmes, façon russe

Translation of the French title: 'Intimate female gymnastics, Russian style'

This is the video that goes with the following story:
Meet Tatiata Kozhevnikova, the Russian woman with the world’s strongest vagina. No, seriously, she broke records to attain that title [snip] she lifted 14 kilograms worth of weights– almost 31 pounds– to achieve such notoriety…
The way she tells her story:
“After I had a child, my intimate muscles got unbelievably weak. I read books on Dao and learned that ancient women used to deal with this problem using wooden balls,” she said. “I looked around, saw a Murano glass ball and inserted it in my vagina.”
For all her efforts she is in the Guinness Book of Records as the possessor of the world’s strongest vagina, she proudly told

If you don't believe me go to this website, appropriately named This story has nothing to do with tattoos, but who cares?

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