Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is Your Love Cheating On You?

The whiff of a new perfume, the hush hush cell phone calls at odd hours, the distant feeling when you used to be intimate... Any of these suspicious signs make you wonder.

Is he having a fling with somebody else? Is she wrapped in someone else's arms over lunch? Is the person you thought was your lover going behind your back to someone else ... like they don't care about you ... like they're just using you?

Most people have nagging feelings that their partner is cheating on them before they really know the facts.

Cheating Can Kill

Cheating not only destroys relationships and makes people feel used, abused and thrown away. It sometimes unleashes the rawest emotions -- both in the cheater and in the cheated. Those feelings might be brewing in you right now ... before  you know for sure what's really going on.

The How To Detect An Affair guide gives you the tools you need to learn the truth once and for all.

Based on detective work by super relationship sleuths and private detectives, it's not a wussy relationship guide that tells you how to put the fire back in the bedroom.

Do you know the Foot Test?

If your partner comes home after a 'hard day's work' and their feet are clean and they do not smell, be suspicious!!! Why?

Most people -- women and men -- wear the same shoes for eight hours (plus commute time) each day at work. After eight hours in the same shoes most feet begin to smell -- even women's feet. Maybe they don't smell a lot, but they do smell.

What does it mean if your partner comes home, takes off his or her shoes and there's NO SMELL?

There is a possibility that they had a fling with someone and took a shower after. The shower cleaned their feet. No smell anymore. Or certainly not the same strong smell of someone who wore the same shoes for eight-plus hours.

The eBook for sale here is a step-by-step guide to discover whether or not your partner is cheating on you, with whom, when, where, how often, for how long... everything you need to know -- whether it hurts or not. End the suspicion and torture. Sunlight is the best sanitizer.

Order NOW before it's too late.

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