Thursday, December 31, 2009

About Celtic Knot Crosses

The Celts were a West European group of people who's history goes back to the second century BC. They lived in tribes and roamed the Western Europe. There is a legend that the Celtic cross was designed by Saint Patrick who was trying to convert the pagan Irish people. This cross is a combination of the Christian cross and the sun, which was worshipped by the Celtic druids.The oldest examples of crosses are those engraved or painted on flat pebbles, dating from 10,000 BC, found in a cave in the French Pyrenees. These stones were believed to contain the spirits of the dead.The cross with the characteristic circle is probably the most recognized of all Celtic symbols. The center of the cross is also representative of the center place where all forces of Life, source of the four mystic rivers, summit of the world mountain, and other interpretations of the X that marks the spot. Its meaning can also represent navigation, we can look to the cross as a symbolic compass, guiding us through a spiritual sea. 

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Find The Tattoo

An extra reward goes to anyone who finds a tattoo.

I heard there's an Asian guy in the room, which makes this qualify as Asian tattoo art. Or art.

Her name is Audrina Partridge. Thought you might want to know

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pirate Valentine Cards, Boys' Pirate Valentine Cards

Pirate Valentine cards are the collection of Orient Trading Company to entertain little kids and children who love to play and enjoy craft activities of sticking these cards. The pirate designed on the card with hearts and love message make unique variety to have fun and printable tasks.

Hannah Montana Valentine Cards, Disney's Hannah Montana Valentines Cards

Every year Disney Stationary comes with latest collection on valentine's day to feature their Disney cartoon characters, Disney Channel's Hannah Montana and the theme of love and romance through cartoons. So, here we present Hannah Montana Valentine Cards with the famous Hannah Montana logo through a cute teenage girl.

Snappy Alligator Valentine Cards, Alligator Valentine’s Day Card

These Snappy Alligator Valentine Cards are product of Oriental Trading Company known for novelties, small toys, and party items. This segment of Alligator Valentine’s Day Card Craft Kit is a beautiful craft work for kids who can write their sentiments in the blank sheet inside the card with flexibility to exchange as happy valentine wishes for dearones or as invitation card to create party favor.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tattoos in the US Military

From this source:
The U.S. Air Force, like the other services, have discovered that it's not worth the grief to try and ban recruits with tattoos. The air force recently implanted a policy barring recruits who had any tats on their right (saluting) arms. But someone at the top did not realize that there were hundreds of recruits in the Delayed Entry Program (you do not report for basic training for some months after you sign up) who probably had tattoos, and, sure enough, 26 of them turned out to have tattoos on their right arms.
Sometimes the military is strict about recruits having tattoos. Sometimes it alows some tattoos.

It appears that at the moment the military allows tattoos if they are not visible when the recuit is fully dressed. No, sometime it allows tattoos that are visible if the tattoo is 'innocent' -- if it doesn't offend the recruiter. Which means that recruiters disagree, so what is permissible by one is not permissible by another.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


The pagoda qualifies this as Asian. The body qualifies this as art. I wonder if anyone's at home in the pagoda.

Special Place In My Heart, You Hold A Special Place in My Heart

Let your sweetheart or lover know his/her position in your life. How you feel and keep that special person of your life close and in the heart. Express your true feelings by speaking that he/she holds a special place in my heart. Exchange any of these ecards and greetings to celebrate valentine's day.

Say It With A Rose, Express Feelings with Roses

Roses are beautiful pieces to speak your heart feelings and emotions of love and affection. Hold a rose in hand and let your heart speak what all it had in it for the other person. Say it with a rose on this valentines day to leave an ever-lasting impression on your lover's life. You can even propose with a rose, card and love letter fir the love of your life.

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sanskrit tattoo designs: The lotus

It is an interesting fact that the lotus flower closes each night and subsides under water. In the morning, it re-emerges to blossom again. For this reason, the lotus is used as a metaphor of the process of creation or cycle of the universe.The lotus flower is a very important symbol for both buddhist and hindu religions. It signifies purity of the body and mind. In some belief structures, the