Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tattoos in the US Military

From this source:
The U.S. Air Force, like the other services, have discovered that it's not worth the grief to try and ban recruits with tattoos. The air force recently implanted a policy barring recruits who had any tats on their right (saluting) arms. But someone at the top did not realize that there were hundreds of recruits in the Delayed Entry Program (you do not report for basic training for some months after you sign up) who probably had tattoos, and, sure enough, 26 of them turned out to have tattoos on their right arms.
Sometimes the military is strict about recruits having tattoos. Sometimes it alows some tattoos.

It appears that at the moment the military allows tattoos if they are not visible when the recuit is fully dressed. No, sometime it allows tattoos that are visible if the tattoo is 'innocent' -- if it doesn't offend the recruiter. Which means that recruiters disagree, so what is permissible by one is not permissible by another.

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