Monday, October 3, 2011

Animal Tattoos

The popular choice for those who do is get a tattoo ink animal. There are different reasons to get a tattoo animal. Can be used to revive the memory of beloved pets or simply that the holder is fond of a certain animal. All over the world, and spend billions of dollars on pets and many people consider them to be members of the family. Therefore, it is quite natural that these animals, which means a lot to our lives will become a place in our skin. Another possible reason for the tattoo is a symbolic animal behind the tattoos. Tattoos may represent a turning point in our lives or used as a symbol of our nature innate. Still other people feel close and special relationship of some types of animals. They feel just a touch of certain animals, such as some Native American tribes of North America which were the totem animals. The selection of these unique characteristics of the animals or dispose of it. May the wolf symbolizes loyalty, or an example of the wisdom of the owl, while the Bears may be a symbol of power in the end. Regardless of the motivation behind the tattoo animal, they can make beautiful additions to any private body of work.

Animated Tattoos

Tattoo is one of the oldest form and is recognized by most of the body to modify this man did not know. Nowadays, getting a tattoo designs animation or any type of tattoo is unified and much safer procedure compared to what it was before. Tattoo artists make use of the current device like a small sewing machine tattoo gun (portable) for the tattoo.
Machine used in tattooing over the years and remained the same since he invented in the early parts of 1800. Unlike the changes made to improve safety and methods of sterilization, tattooing technology has not seen any significant change. However, this all changed with the entry of mobile tattoo designs.
Tattoo animation and voice what they are implanted images that actually move under the skin of the person. Just like other tattoos, this animation also create a feeling of champagne and beautiful, but also highlights the interesting time in the animation is shown in books and movies.

American Tattoos

People love to wear a tattoo of America, and looks even more fascinating if placed in unusual locations of the body. Could be considered American tattoos on arms, wrists, hands, neck, and the growing recognition of the American tattoo makes them more pronounced with the passage of time. Studies show that more and more are getting tattoos of America U.S. each year, business investment tattoos became popular for those who are in the works of art and tattoos.
Tattoo has become an exceptional model in expression between men and women of the new generation. Get tattoos went beyond just the American sense of aesthetic beauty to a demonstration of freedom and sovereignty. Opened in the world of tattoos so a new gate for people to unite and be one with their ideas and beliefs. American tattoo is not the only sign of nationalism, but American and innovative way to deliver the message that we are all in freedom in decision-making for our good special.

six Reasons we have Bad Dreams

1. Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety and stress, often as the result of a traumatic life event, are sometimes the cause of nightmares and bad dreams. According to the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), a major surgery or illness, grieving over the loss of a loved one, and suffering or witnessing an assault or major accident can trigger bad dreams and nightmares. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also a common cause of recurrent nightmares.
2. Spicy Foods 
Not all nightmare triggers have to be traumatic, however. Everyday stressors, such as job or financial anxiety, or major life transitions such as moving or divorce, can also cause nightmares.
When and what we eat may affect our nighttime rest, if not our tendency toward bad dreams. A small study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology had a group of healthy men eat spicy meals before bed on some evenings and compared their quality of sleep on nights where they had non-spiced meals. On the spicy nights, the subjects spent more time awake and had poorer quality sleep. The explanation is that spicy food can elevate body temperatures and thus disrupt sleep. This may also be the reason why some people report bad dreams when they eat too close to bedtime. Though few studies have looked at it, eating close to bedtime increases metabolism and brain activity and may prompt bad dreams or nightmares.
4. Alcohol
3. Fat Content of Food 
Though far from conclusive, some research has indicated that the more high-fat food you consume during the day, the greater the chance that the amount and quality of your sleep may suffer. A small study published in 2007 in Psychological Reports found that the dreams of people who ate a high amount of organic food differed from those who ate “junk foods.” The authors hypothesize that certain foods may negatively influence dreaming.
Though alcohol is a depressant that will help you fall asleep in the short term, once its effects wear off, it can cause you to wake up prematurely. Excess consumption can also lead to nightmares and bad sleep; nightmares are also a common occurrence for those going through alcohol withdrawal.
5. Drugs
Some drugs, including antidepressants, barbiturates, and narcotics, can cause nightmares as a side effect. For instance, a 2008 study published in the journal Pyschopharmacology looked at ketamine, a drug used in anesthesia and recreationally, and found that compared with a placebo, ketamine use resulted in more dream unpleasantness and increased the incidence of bad dreams. Similarly, anyone who has traveled to a country where malaria is endemic may have taken Lariam and had some interesting nightmares associated with it. Nightmares usually cease once the drug is cleared from the system.
6. Illness
Illnesses that include fever, such as the flu, can often trigger nightmares. And other sleeping disorders, including apnea and narcolepsy, may also increase the incidence of bad dreams and nightmares.
While bad dreams and nightmares are considered normal responses in dealing with everyday experiences, the IASD recommends consultation with a therapist if they last in intensity and severity. But trying to eliminate these six factors first may be the best place to start in your quest to sweeten your dreams and chase the nighttime demons away.

six Reasons we have Bad Dreams

1. Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety and stress, often as the result of a traumatic life event, are sometimes the cause of nightmares and bad dreams. According to the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), a major surgery or illness, grieving over the loss of a loved one, and suffering or witnessing an assault or major accident can trigger bad dreams and nightmares. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also a common cause of recurrent nightmares.
2. Spicy Foods 
Not all nightmare triggers have to be traumatic, however. Everyday stressors, such as job or financial anxiety, or major life transitions such as moving or divorce, can also cause nightmares.
When and what we eat may affect our nighttime rest, if not our tendency toward bad dreams. A small study published in the International Journal of Psychophysiology had a group of healthy men eat spicy meals before bed on some evenings and compared their quality of sleep on nights where they had non-spiced meals. On the spicy nights, the subjects spent more time awake and had poorer quality sleep. The explanation is that spicy food can elevate body temperatures and thus disrupt sleep. This may also be the reason why some people report bad dreams when they eat too close to bedtime. Though few studies have looked at it, eating close to bedtime increases metabolism and brain activity and may prompt bad dreams or nightmares.
4. Alcohol
3. Fat Content of Food 
Though far from conclusive, some research has indicated that the more high-fat food you consume during the day, the greater the chance that the amount and quality of your sleep may suffer. A small study published in 2007 in Psychological Reports found that the dreams of people who ate a high amount of organic food differed from those who ate “junk foods.” The authors hypothesize that certain foods may negatively influence dreaming.
Though alcohol is a depressant that will help you fall asleep in the short term, once its effects wear off, it can cause you to wake up prematurely. Excess consumption can also lead to nightmares and bad sleep; nightmares are also a common occurrence for those going through alcohol withdrawal.
5. Drugs
Some drugs, including antidepressants, barbiturates, and narcotics, can cause nightmares as a side effect. For instance, a 2008 study published in the journal Pyschopharmacology looked at ketamine, a drug used in anesthesia and recreationally, and found that compared with a placebo, ketamine use resulted in more dream unpleasantness and increased the incidence of bad dreams. Similarly, anyone who has traveled to a country where malaria is endemic may have taken Lariam and had some interesting nightmares associated with it. Nightmares usually cease once the drug is cleared from the system.
6. Illness
Illnesses that include fever, such as the flu, can often trigger nightmares. And other sleeping disorders, including apnea and narcolepsy, may also increase the incidence of bad dreams and nightmares.
While bad dreams and nightmares are considered normal responses in dealing with everyday experiences, the IASD recommends consultation with a therapist if they last in intensity and severity. But trying to eliminate these six factors first may be the best place to start in your quest to sweeten your dreams and chase the nighttime demons away.

Beijing Fashion Show

Beijing Fashion Show on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and ... Here's their 3D video for the red carpet and fashion show at the Beijing Television Centre which streamed live just a few hours ago. The entire ...

北服莱佛士  Design fashion show 

Beijing Fashion Show

Beijing Fashion Show on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and ... Here's their 3D video for the red carpet and fashion show at the Beijing Television Centre which streamed live just a few hours ago. The entire ...

北服莱佛士  Design fashion show