Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fall Lip Colors

Fall Lip Colors

If you read the magazines, you know that the trendy makeup looks change with the weather, and the clothes. In general, the color palette for autumn features colors of pumpkin and spice, with bronzes, browns, taupes and dark reds. Lipstick follows along, with darker tones, golden hues and brown touches.

Winter Lip Colors

Winter usually sees a return to clearer, more gemstone-type colors, including black and white. Lips for daytime are often seen in reds.

Spring Lip Colors

Spring comes in pastels and pale but bright tones, pinks, light green, lots of white and off-white, mimicking spring flowers. Lipsticks are usually paler too, in pinks and corals, often in translucent glosses.

Summer Lip Colors

In summer, you’ll usually see the brightest colors in clothing. Hawaiiana, vacation-type clothing and playclothes fit the season. Lips can be any number of colors–usually brighter and more translucent than fall and winter looks, but bolder than spring.

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